Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quest for Glory Epic Let's Play Part Twelve: Training Montage

Training Montage

We need a MONTAGE!!!!!

Ok so it's all stills, but here's where we take ourselves up a notch or three. Thank God you guys didn't have to see me grinding the Dodge and Parry skills up. My finger still hurts.

Anyway - I intended to get through the training without getting any more points, but a Saurus Rex attacked and I couldn't get away so I did kill it for 4 points. The only other thing that happened exposition-wise (also in the video) is you telling the Healer about the Dispel potion.

Enjoy the video, the sound is a little off at times (I think GV messed it up a little) but you get the idea.

Next: we're going to do a little mop-up work killing the last few monsters, beating the Weapon Master and collecting the last few points before we raid the Brigand Fortress.

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