Monday, March 17, 2008

Quest for Glory Epic Let's Play Part Twenty-Six: Practice and Poetry

Video With Subtitles

[Note: This is the first video compilation I've done. I think I've finally figured this out - there doesn't appear to be any major loss in quality. Sorry for the large gap without commentary when the poet is talking - I figured he should just speak for himself.]

After breaking our fasts, it's off to the apothecary to sell some of our loot from last night. And what loot it is - 100 dinars worth of dead monster. Not too shabby. Shapeir's homeless population is right outside so we'll take some time out of our day to make a few donations and get a little closer to becoming a Paladin in the process.

Practice makes perfect, and we'll end the day with at least one perfect stat: Dodge. Luckily for you, dear readers, this all happens offscreen.

Omar's rapping tonight at the Inn so we'll swing by and check him out before we head off into the desert where we collect a whole bunch more monster pieces and take down a Terrorsaurus (barely.) Those bastards are tough.

Upon the morrow, there's rumors of a strange fire outside the Inn. Uh oh...

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