Saturday, June 7, 2008

Quest For Glory Epic Let's Play Part Seventy-Seven: Puzzle Solving

In Which Our Hero solves some puzzles. He never was very good at that sort of thing.

Ah the inside of Dr. Cranium's house. Office. Lab. Thing. Marcus starts things off right by inadvertently loosing another Antwerp Population Explosion, but it's OK because we need to TRAP one to solve the next puzzle anyway. It takes our intrepid hero (and his intrepid puppet master) a little bit of time but in the end the maze and the keyhole puzzle prove no match for our wits.

I realize this video is a little boring since it's puzzle-solving, so I tried to make the subtitles as entertaining as possible. Next time we'll have a nice one-on-one with Dr. Cranium and go exploring around where we don't belong. That will be more exciting than this, I promise.

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