Saturday, May 24, 2008

Quest For Glory Epic Let's Play Part Sixty-Two: Simbani Initiation

We've known this has been coming ever since we arrived at the Simbani village. To marry the Leopard Lady, we have to be a Warrior. To be a Warrior, we have to pass the Initiation. So let's get to it.

Our first challenge is to knock a ring off a tree branch. Here's the catch: if we tie Yesufu in the number of moves it takes to win, the tiebreaker will be whoever uses the most 'brains'. OK. There's a convenient vine hanging off the tree. Guess what makes it easer to knock a ring off a tree branch? A vine tied to a spear, that's what!

Next challenge: the wall of thorns. This is pretty easy. There's a big log sitting by the wall. How do you think we should get through? Yeah, push the log into the wall. Good call.

Next isn't a challenge: we find Yesufu, who has caught his leg in a hole. Gee, would a Paladin help his friend or leave him? Do you really need to ask? Help Yesufu, then we go on.

After that, it's the throwing of the spears. That thing we were grinding to get good at for so long. And the grinding pays off: we win handily. Or not handily, at least in the first part. In fact, we win only because our opponent sucks worse than we do. But hey, we do win.

Last up is the Battle Bridge, which is a cinch compared to the rest of it.

And finally, we can ask the Laibon a favor for being the winner of the ceremony. That nice drum he's got there? Yeah. That might come in handy if we're trying to make peace. Let's just have that and be on our way.

Next time: Marcus gets married. Really.

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