Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quest For Glory Epic Let's Play Part Fifty-Six: Meeting the Gods

In Which Our Hero talks to the gods.

Video With Subtitles

Marcus begins Day 11 of his Quest in Tarna at the Welcome Inn, where he rolls out of bed and breaks his fast and flirts a bit with the Welcome Woman. Then it's off to the Temple of Sekhmet to be judged, which means a fun little mini-sequence where Marcus enjoys some very circa 1992 fractal-style graphics and chooses symbols that correspond to his Nature and decisions in various fictional scenarios meant to test his character. Needless to say, he passes with flying colors.

We wrap this video in the apothecary, where we're about to unload some quest items and get something important for the next phase of the game.

The Sekhmet sequence is the vast majority of this video. Be sure to pause and read all the choices for the scenarios. Some of them are really funny. Next time we'll meet up with an old friend and get ready to return to the Simbani village for the next phase of the game. The montage video is coming soon, and will cover the training material that came before what you see now and Marcus raising his stats. Once the next phase of the game starts, our time for training will be somewhat diminished. I'd also really like to win all the challenges during the Initiation ceremony as I've never done it before, so that means getting Marcus' throwing skill up (a lot.)

Embeded video:

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