Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Codename: Iceman Let's Play Part Ten: Shop Class

Johnny Westland remembers his eighth-grade shop class.

Hey, finally - some damn puzzle solving! Slightly less annoying than 'get this procedure exactly right or else you can't proceed' is this sequence, where Johnny Westland fixes two things wrong on the sub that you can miss completely unless you explore around.

The first is the loading mechanism for the torpedoes. The Old Salt complains about the torpedo loader not sounding right and before he can be tasked with fixing it, leaves the room. So it's up to Johnny (because apparently there are only two seamen on this boat other than him) to fix it. Yes, a high-ranking Naval intelligence officer is off to the machine shop.

The next part of the sequence involves a complicated series of, well, shop class tools. Johnny needs to make a new pin for the loader and grinds it down, sands it off, drills a hole in it and then goes to the other room for some more tools.

While he's in there he has the foresight to check if his diving apparatus - which he MAY JUST NEED SOME DAY - works. Guess what, it doesn't! Good thing he didn't find that out when he was, say, in the fucking ocean trying to use it to breathe. So he fixes that and then high-tails it back to the torpedo room to fix the loader.

Good thing too, because Johnny's Spidey-sense is telling him it's about time for a fight!

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