Friday, April 10, 2009

Codename: Iceman Let's Play Parts Seventeen and Eighteen: Rescue the Ambassador and End Scene

John Westland saves the day.

Falafel van silly video sequence:

End credits:

We rejoin John back in Stacy's apartment. First, he makes a quick phone call to the compound, telling 'Basal' that there will be a new driver today. Then he calls the Falafel Hut and places an order. Then, like a bastard, he doesn't pay the driver and robs him.

Being a spy means being a jerk to people in the food industry I guess.

John holds up the driver to take his clothes, changes into them, and is ready to storm the compound as a one-man assault team. Stacy comes in and tells him its now or never. He drives the falafel van to the compound and hides his tranq gun in the takeout. Once inside, he pulls the gun and quickly tranqs the guards. Whew!

Then it's simply a matter of untying the ambassador, having Stacy save his bacon, and a quick race around the cliffs to the helicopter - which I simply skipped past to the end credits, where John gets his dolphins and the girl.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Codename ICEMAN. Now you've seen a piece of adventure game history without having to actually play it. Consider yourselves lucky.