Friday, April 10, 2009

Codename: Iceman Let's Play Part Sixteen: ICEMAN in the Desert

John Westland makes contact with a sexy CIA agent he met somewhere before...

We're so close to the end now I can almost feel it. It feels great. Like... taking a piss after a long night out drinking.

Anyway, here's the second-to-last video featuring actual gameplay. Iceman actually turns into a decent sneaky-spy adventure game at the end: you make contact, hide from the guards, follow your clues, make contact again, meet the beautiful CIA spy (Sarah Walker??) and head to the safehouse to start assembling the things you need for the final raid on the compound.

I'm not sure why Stacey didn't just go in herself, but hey.

Also, 'the weapon.' I love how you actually have to look at it to get a description of what 'the weapon' is. Turns out.. it's a nonlethal sleepy gun. Terrorists don't use nonlethal sleepy guns!!

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