Saturday, March 28, 2009

Codename: Iceman Let's Play Part Eleven: Trouble on the Horizon

Johnny Westland takes command after the captain has a little 'accident.'

The first item of business is to head back to the torpedo room and fix that stupid conveyor belt, which thankfully doesn't take too long. Johnny remembers to actually load the damn torpedo, avoiding yet another instadeath later, and heads back to the bridge.

The captain talks Johnny through another extremely boring driving sequence and then surfaces - where they have to go onto the bridge to see that there are two Russian warshps gunning for the Blackhawk! (Seriously, isn't that what periscopes are for? So subs can move around without exposing themselves like this?)

The Captain and Johnny discuss options and head below - but the Captain takes a horrible fall and suffers a head wound, leaving Johnny in command!

With warships after the Blackhawk!

And a newly-repaired torpedo launcher!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's about time to get some fight on!

Next update....

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