Sunday, March 16, 2008

Quest for Glory Epic Let's Play Part Twenty: Buying and Talking, and Talking and Talking

Video With Subtitles

I have to apologize in advance - there is a lot of dialogue in Quest for Glory 2 and no small part of it happens at the beginning of the game. So bear with me as it really does set up the plot - and frankly this probably is the best-written game in the series.

So we bargain for a map and compass and set off across the city where we meet Rakeesh for the first time. He'll be a constant companion in at least two games and an important element of the third so keep him in mind.

After that there's a few rounds of practice and all the important things you do in an Adventurer's Guild including checking out the local moose-life. With Fez.

In the second video, we make a quick run back into the guild to grab some points we missed, then it's off to the weapon store where we buy a new sword and forget that we just worked out and are soundly beaten at arm wrestling as a result. On the way we pick up a couple of essentials.

Then it's off to the Fountain Plaza, where we're hot on the trail of more essentials and a conversation with the apothecary and some more easy points.

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