Friday, August 8, 2008

Quest for Glory Epic Let's Play Part 137: Adventure Island

In Which Our Hero meets Toro, who he once killed. Or at least put on death's door. Good thing bygones are bygones!

This update contains three conversations of varying writing quality and informational value. For the first, we join Marcus in the adventurer's guild, where he works out a bit and meets the guildmaster who turns out to be none other than Toro, the minotaur Marcus nearly killed (he was just, um, unconscious) in Hero's Quest. Chatting with Toro for a bit, we learn he came to Silmaria with Elsa and was given the job of guildmaster. Apparently there's also some rich man following Elsa around and Barnard is now the 'Boss' of Spielburg, which makes Marcus wonder what happened to the Baron.

When he's done Marcus heads outside for his second conversation with Pholus, the centaur weaponsmith. Pholus is bad all around: bad attitude, badly written dialogue, bad voice acting. If you can ignore him, do it. Seriously it's painful.

The Marcus comes full circle back to the marketplace (missing the Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School, which we'll do in the future - doh!) to talk to Marrak, the Katta food merchant. Marrak may actually be the most helpful and unbiased character Marcus has spoken to so far, and he gives Marcus some good information about the city - but nothing we didn't already know.

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