Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quest For Glory Epic Let's Play Parts 120 and 121: Tanya and Toby and Toby's Sacrifice

In Which Our Hero meets the Innkeeper's daughter and witnesses true sacrifice.

It isn't the finale of the series, or even the game, but this scene is possibly the best-written and most moving in all of Quest for Glory. As such, there isn't a lot of commentary here: I'll let it speak for itself for the most part.

Marcus is back in the castle, basically looting the place. There are a couple of chests, one of which is guarded by a wraith, so there's some fun interior combat. Then Marcus eventually finds what he came for: Tanya, the inkeeper's daughter. She's, um, different.

OK, she's a vampire. And she's guarded by a massive monster.

Showing her the doll from the Domovoi warms her up to Marcus a bit and we're finally able to get her side of the story: overprotective parents and an Aunt Trina who seems to have kidnapped her and kept her as her own child.

Katrina's kind of fucked up, huh?

Marcus then tells Tanya that there's a way to restore her to life: Erana's Staff and the Destiny Spell. He tells her what it entails, and Toby says he understands.

It's off to the Staff, where Toby makes the ultimate sacrifice to save Tanya.

And that's where we pick up next time.

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