Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Quest For Glory Epic Let's Play Part Seventy-Nine: The Monastery

In Which Our Hero learns more of the Dark One and ignores the warnings of the locals.

Now things start to get interesting. We finish questioning Dr. Cranium and head back to the monastery at the north end of town. Ignoring Igor, we try to open the door, only to be eaten by the sculpture hanging there! Oh no! Good thing we saved our game.

A quick restore later and we use the Dark One sign on the door, gaining access to the monastery. It's not so bad inside - if you can get over the evil symbols everywhere and the creepy, dried-out Domovoi statue in the cabinet. There's another Hexapod over the fireplace and some telltale scratches inside. Could this be another door? It could!

Give Hector the Hexapod (I didn't make it up, sorry) some garlic and we have access to the monastery basement. Now this is clearly where the monastic order invested most of their creepyness. It's cold, and damp, and moldy, and smells like rotting flesh. Not unlike my refrigerator.

We have a quick look around, including as the massive Cask of Amon Tillado, and will pick up in the basement next time - when Marcus is going to go on a little 'trip.'

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