Monday, June 16, 2008

Quest For Glory Epic Let's Play Part Eighty-Four: Strange Dreams

In Which Our Hero has some very unusual dreams.

Erana's Staff is a perfectly safe place to sleep, so Marcus beds down for the night in the middle of town rather than sleep in his nice warm bed. Looks like he needs to work on that Int. score a bit.

That night Marcus' dreams tend towards the crazy. Maybe he shouldn't have taken so many hits off the water pipe in Tarna, because damn. What does all this mean??

The next morning the Burgomeister grills Marcus a bit before we head off to the store, more for rumors than anything (and also because I was trying to kick off the Boris-Olga subplot, which didn't happen.) Then it's off to Doctor Cranium's where we watch him get fried with 1.2 gigawatts before talking to him about a certain Antwerp POPulation Explosion that we may or may not have taken part in.

The speech really slows the games down, huh? I'm thinking of kicking these up to an update a day.

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