Sunday, September 28, 2008

Quest for Glory Epic Let's Play Part 149: Two Doctors and a Sailor

In Which Our Hero speaks to two scientists and checks in on a reformed Arestes.

In the next installment of Quest for Pizza, err quest for Science, err Quest for Glory we find Marcus poking around science island looking at all the fun toys he'll eventually be able to use: a crane, a really bitchin' slide, and Gort who the good doctor refers to as 'equipment.' Not very nice of him.

We then kill a little time to meet the night watch on Science Island, a guy named Dr. Mobius who is much less nice than the good Dr. Praetorus. We listen to his bitching about the peasantry and ignorance and take down his pizza order, because we have to kiss his ass somehow.

By that point it's late so we head back to the Inn, passing a forlorn-looking Arestes on the way. The sailor has his arm back thanks to Julanar (and our help) and explains that he's being let out of jail to pay off his debt to society through work rather than rotting away in a cell. Another good deed done for Marcus.

Then a whole new day dawns where Marcus will get to play delivery boy and kick some ass in the area - next time.

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